Export Materials and Accounts Payable Transactions Version 12/16/2022 18:56:25


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General Ledger sites can create export files for Materials Management and Accounts Payable transactions, and then import the files into General Ledger, or download the files to an external network. For transaction files imported to General Ledger, the system can create journal vouchers automatically during the import process. Journal vouchers can also be created manually from the transaction files.

For exports to an external system, the system generates a .csv (comma-separated) file for downloading.

If you are working in Materials Management, you can export files containing both materials and accounts payable transactions. If you are working only in Accounts Payable, you can similarly export accounts payable transactions.

Financial Reporting Fields

Your site may be set up to use Financial Reporting Fields in various parts of the application. Similarly, you may also be using Project Codes and Fund Codes.

Financial Reporting Fields, along with Project Code and Fund Code let you generate reports on non-account code fields. For example, your site might define Physician as a financial reporting field. Users could then select the physician associated with a journal voucher, for example.

If financial reporting fields are used by your site, the tab Fin Reporting appears on the panels. (Otherwise, this tab does not appear.) You can enter field values on the tabbed panel.

Details are in Using Financial Reporting Fields in ERP.


This feature is controlled by the "GLFINExport" role object. To view the list of GL export files, the minimum setting is View. To create or download export files, the setting must be Create.

Empty Export Files

A setting on the System Values panel addresses the situation in which a large volume of exports is processed through Pulse and many of the export files are empty. The field is Auto-Complete Empty Exports, and it applies to GL exports, AP transactions exports, item exports, and warehouse exports.
For details, see Auto-Complete Empty Exports.

To view a General Ledger export file

  1. From the Materials Management main Contents select Imports / Exports & Financials > GL Export.
    The GL Export list appears (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - GL Export List

The system numbers export files consecutively and assigns a Transmission ID to each. The GL Export list shows the Transmission ID, the Export Date, the user ID of the person who created the export file (Created By), the "create" Status of the export file, the accounting period (Acct Period), and the number of entries in the export file.

For files downloaded to external systems, the Last Download column shows the date and time when the file was last downloaded, and the user responsible for the download. When Pulse is configured to handle downloads, the export status appears in the Download Status column.

  1. To view the transactions in any of the export files, click Menu > View Transactions. The Export Detail list appears.
    The list shows all the transactions in the export file, the account code, the account name, the date of each transaction, its type, the amount, and other information.
  2. Click Back to return to the GL Export list.

To create an export file and import transactions to General Ledger

  1. From the Materials Management main Contents select Imports / Exports & Financials > GL Export.
    The GL Export list appears. (Figure 1)

  2. Click New. The GL Export Selection Parameters panel appears (Figure 2 and Figure 3). This panel is a tool for you to identify the transactions that the system should include in the export file.

General tab (Figure 2)

The General panel lists transactions available for export. The fields allow you to select transactions.

Figure 2 - Transactions Selection Panel for GL: General Tab

  1. Verify that the Organization is correct. If not, use the prompt (...) to enter a new Organization. The system selects transactions using the GL Organization code associated with the Organization in this field.
  1. Select the appropriate value from the Year Period Option field.
    - Current Period exports transactions from the current period, according to your financial calendar.
    - If you are exporting transactions from the period immediately previous to the current period, select Prior Period.
    - If you are exporting transactions from a particular period, select Specified Period. Then, enter the period in the Period field and the year in the Accounting Year field.
  2. Select the Transaction Category.

    Invoices (financial) and Payments - Invoice and payment transactions for financial accounts.
    Materials - Materials-related transactions, such as Issues to Departments, and Inventory Adjustments.
    Invoices (financial) - Invoice transactions such as Approving Credit Invoices that were created for financial account distribution lines; i.e., profit/loss or balance sheet.
    Payments - Payment transactions.
    Invoices(statistical) - Invoice transactions that were created for statistical account distribution lines.

    The system selects transactions for export from the category that you enter. For example, if you select Payments, the system includes transactions such as Pay Invoice and Void Payment.
  3. Click Preview to update the selected transactions list.
  4. Review the selected transactions list in the bottom part of the panel.

JV Auto Import tab (Figure 3)

This tab only appears if you have General Ledger enabled. Use the JV Auto Import panel if you wish to create journal vouchers as part of the export/import process.

Note: For AP and MM Journal Vouchers that the system creates automatically during import, the fields Inter Org Transactions Allowed and Auto Create Inter Org Entries on the JV header are selected.

The JV Auto Import panel also appears when you are using the Job Scheduler to schedule a GL export job. See Set Up Schedules for Batch Jobs for details on how to use the scheduler.

Figure 3 - Import Transactions to General Ledger as Journal Vouchers

  1. Select or unselect the field Auto Create JV and Import after GL Export as appropriate:
  1. Select or unselect the field Auto Post Imported JV as appropriate.
  1. Enter a description for the journal voucher(s) in the JV Description field, if you wish.
  2. Enter a JV No, or leave the field blank.
    If you leave the field blank, the system automatically assigns journal voucher numbers. Materials transactions receive journal voucher numbers beginning with "MM." Accounts payable transactions receive journal voucher numbers beginning with "AP."
  3. Click Build. The system builds the export file and returns you to the GL Export list (Figure 1).

Figure 4 - General Ledger Imports from Materials and AP

Figure 5 - Journal Vouchers Created for a File Exported to General Ledger from Materials Management

To create an export file for sending transactions to an external system

  1. From the Materials Management main Contents select Imports / Exports & Financials > GL Export.

  2. Click New. The GL Export Selection Parameters panel appears, similar to Figure 2. Use the panel to identify the transactions that the system should include in the export file.
  3. Verify that the Organization is correct. If not, use the prompt (...) to enter a new Organization. The system selects transactions using the GL Organization code associated with the Organization in this field.
  4. Select the appropriate value from the Year Period Option field.
    - Current Period exports transactions from the current period, according to your financial calendar.
    - If you are exporting transactions from the period immediately previous to the current period, select Prior Period.
    - If you are exporting transactions from a particular period, select Specified Period. Then, enter the period in the Period field and the year in the Accounting Year field.
  5. Select the Transaction Category. Options are: Materials, Invoices, Payments, Invoices and Payments. Transactions are selected for export from the category that you enter. For example, if you select Payments, the system includes transactions such as Pay Invoice and Void Payment.
  6. Click Preview to update the selected transactions list.
  7. Review the selected transactions list in the bottom part of the panel.
  8. Click Build. The system builds the export file in .csv format and returns to the GL Export list.
  9. Click Refresh to view GL export file that was built.
  10. Note: If you edit .csv files, a text editor is preferable to a spreadsheet program. Spreadsheet programs (e.g., Excel) add commas for blank columns. The system cannot process trailing commas. Also, the spreadsheet column formats must match the formats expected by the system. Simply saving your file from the spreadsheet does not guarantee that the column formats will be correct. For this reason, editing and saving a .csv file as text is better.

    The system numbers the GL export files consecutively and assigns a Transmission ID to each. The Export No and Transmission ID may not always be the same.

To download an export file to a local network

These steps download an export file to a folder on your local network.

  1. From the Materials Management main Contents select Imports / Exports & Financials > GL Export.

  1. Locate the export to download.
  2. Click Menu > Download file next to the export file.
    The File Download window appears.
  3. On the File Download window, select Save.
    The Save As window appears.
  4. Use the down arrow on the Save in: box to select the directory or folder where you want to store the exported file.
  5. The File name: field contains a file name created by the system.
    - For GL exports, the file name has the form: GLExportX.csv where "X" is the Transmission ID.
    - For EFT exports, the file name begins with "EFT" and has the extension ".DAT."
  6. Accept the file types in Save as Type.
    - For GL exports, accept Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Value Files (.csv) for the Save as type:. You can open this type of file with Microsoft Excel, or with WordPad.
    - For EFT exports, accept .DAT for the Save as type.
  7. Click Save.
  8. The File Download window shows the progress of your export file as it downloads to the local network.
  9. When the download is complete, close the Download window. The system returns you to the GL Export list or to the EFT Export list.
    The Last Download (Date/By) field on the list is updated with the date, time, and user ID for the download.

To create an Accounts Payable export file for download to a local network:

  1. From the AP main Contents select Imports / Exports > AP Transactions Export.
    The AP Transactions Export list appears. This list (similar to Figure 1) contains export files that have been created for AP transactions such as Approve Invoice, Pay Invoice, Void Payment, and others.

Figure 6 - List of Transactions in an AP Export File

  1. From the AP Transactions Export list, click New. The AP Transactions Export Selection Parameters panel appears (Figure 7). This panel lets you identify the transactions that the system should include in the new export file.

Figure 7 - AP Export Selection Panel

  1. Verify that the Organization is correct. If not, use the prompt (...) to enter a new Organization.
  2. Select the appropriate value from the Year Period Option field.
    - Current Period exports transactions from the current period, according to your financial calendar.
    - If you are exporting transactions from the period immediately previous to the current period, select Prior Period.
    - If you are exporting transactions from a particular period, select Specified Period. Then, enter the period in the Period field and the year in the Accounting Year field.
  3. If you are exporting transactions to an external system (such as PBAR), enter the name of the system in the External System field.
  4. Click Preview to update the selected transactions list.
  5. Review the selected transactions list in the bottom part of the panel.
  6. Click Build. The system builds the export file and returns to the AP Transactions Export list.
  7. Click Refresh to view the export file.

To download an Accounts Payable export file to a local network:

These steps download the AP Transactions Export file to a folder on your local network.

  1. From the AP main Contents select Imports / Exports > AP Transactions Export.
    The AP Transactions Export list appears.
  2. Locate the export file to download.
  3. Click Menu > Download File next to the export file.
    The File Download window appears.
  4. On the File Download window, select Save.
    The Save As window appears.
  5. Use the down arrow on the Save in: box to select the location for the exported file.
    The File name: field contains a file name created by the system. The file name has the form: APTransExportX.csv where "X" is the Transmission ID.
  6. Accept Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Value Files (.csv) for the Save as type:.
  7. Click Save.
  8. The File Download window shows the progress of your export file as it downloads to the local network.
  9. When the download is complete, close the Download window. You are returned to the AP Transactions Export list.
  10. The Last Download (Date/By) field on the AP Transactions Export list is updated with the date, time, and user ID for the download.