Printing Labels Version


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This topic describes how to print labels in the system. You can print the following types of labels:

Labels are printed on a sheet fed printer or a roll fed printer. Label printing jobs run as reports. You create the "label report" and then open it from My Archived Reports to view the labels, and send the job to a local printer. Printing labels requires that you use a sheet of labels in the printer in place of regular paper.

Prerequisite: You should be comfortable working with whatever kind of printer you use, and know how to operate any of its available adjustment features; for example, sizing an image, changing the lightness/darkness of the print, or adjusting the margins.


For printing labels (depending on the kind being printed), these role objects and settings must be included in the users' roles.

Features are built into the system to ensure the privacy of electronic protected health information (ePHI), in compliance with HIPAA requirements. One applicable area is patient labels.

On a User Profile, the Hide ePHI Data field determines whether a user can access patient data. When Hide ePHI Data is checked, a detailed series of restrictions apply to the user's access to ePHI records. Patient information in the ADT import feature is subject to restrictions governed by this User Profile field.

In sum, if Hide ePHI Data is checked, the user cannot access patient-identifying information.

The list of restrictions and examples is outlined in the ePHI documentation.

Note: All patient identifier fields in this document's figures contain fictional values, and are not associated with any actual individual.

About Printers

Label layouts are configured in the system for the appropriate label sheet, and labels can be printed on a variety of printers. Printer settings affect text alignment on labels, and are dependent not only on the brand of printer, but also on the release of Adobe Acrobat Reader that you are using. This section contains printer option settings that work for many printers, but ultimately, you will need to print experimental sheets of labels so that you can adjust the settings for your own printer.

Printer Settings: Sheets

When you run the labels that you wish to print, they are output to Adobe Acrobat Reader. The Adobe Acrobat image is what prints on a local printer.

- A Print panel appears -- this panel differs from printer to printer.
On the Print panel, or on one of its tabs, you will find a Properties button. Click the Properties button and set the options as follows:

Print Range: All
Copies: 1
Page Scaling: None
Auto Rotate and Center: not checked
Choose Paper Source by PDF Page Size: checked

You may need to try both settings (None and Fit to Paper) for Page Scaling. Fit to Paper centers the text better for some labels, but also automatically adds top and bottom margins to the whole sheet. The margin space sets the label text down from the top and up from the bottom of the sheet, cutting off part of the text on the labels.

Be careful: If you try Fit to Paper (or other settings), print only a few sheets of labels to check the alignment on each subsequent sheet. This approach avoids wasting label sheets in a long print job if the alignment is not right.

Note: If you try several option choices and are still not getting acceptable alignment of text on label, try changing the margins. (Some printers will not allow you to do this, however.) If your printer supports the Margins property, try turning the Margins setting from Standard to None and see what happens.

Print Patient Charge Labels

You can print patient charge labels for any active inventory item.

When you print an item label, the bold number above the barcode is the item number / manufacturer's item number coded in the barcode. The Patient Charge Number (CDM) also prints on the label. Figure 1 is a sample patient charge label printed in the system.

Figure 1 - Sample Patient Charge Label

Note: All patient identifier fields in this document's figures contain fictional values, and are not associated with any actual individual(s).

Label Specifications

Sheet fed: Patient Charge labels print 44 to the sheet on a laser printer. Label stock for Patient Charges must be special ordered from a label manufacturer. Obtain the label format sheet from Technical Support, and print the sheet on a regular piece of paper. This step is important in order to have the labels align correctly. Then, you should send the custom label format sheet to your vendor to use as a template for creating the label sheets for your printer.

The label sheet specifications are:

Sheet size: 8 1/2 X 11-inch sheets
Label size: 1 3/4 X 3/4 inch
Label type: Laser print, piggyback
Layout: 4 across

Roll fed: Labels can also be printed on a Zebra barcode printer.
Current models used at sites are the ZT230 or ZT240.
The Zebra "Stripe" printer has been discontinued by the manufacturer, although it should still work for roll printing of labels, if you have this old model.
Discuss label stock with your vendor.

To print patient charge labels with a sheet-fed printer:

  1. From the Materials Management main Contents,
    Select Inventory > Item Inventory. The Item Inventory list appears.
    - Select Inventory > Item Catalog. The Item Catalog list appears.
  2. Locate the item of interest using the filters and the Position To link.
    - The Item Inventory list appears with the specified item at the top.
    - If you are using the Item Catalog list, the item catalog list displays the item at the top.
      On the Item Catalog list, next to the item, click Menu > Item Inventory or Item Inventory - All Locations.
  3. Next to the item, select Menu > Patient Charge Labels (Sheet - Item No) or Patient Charge Labels (Sheet - CDM)
    The system sends you a message that patient charge labels are being printed, and that you can access them from Reports > My Archived Reports.
  4. From the Materials main Contents, select Reports > My Archived Reports.
    The system displays a list of the reports it has just run. Your Patient Charge Labels report will be at or near the top, if you just ran it.
  5. Locate your report on the list.
  6. Click View Report.
    The labels are displayed in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  7. To print the labels, click File > Print.
    See the discussion of printer settings.

To print patient charge labels with a roll-fed printer

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 for a sheet-fed printer.
  2. Next to the item of interest, select Menu > Patient Charge Labels (Roll). A panel appears with several options.
  3. Select the options of interest,
    Print Labels By... has the options Patient Charge No and Item No and click Print Labels.
  4. Another panel appears for you to set up margins and other layout specifications for the labels.
  5. Select/enter the values that you need and click Print Label Now.
    - Note: The values you enter will persist for the next print run until you or another user changes them. The application stores the values for margins, etc. as a cookie.
  6. The system Print panel appears. Enter the print quantity in the field Number of copies.
  7. Click Print.

Label sheet specifications

Par cart labels print on Avery 5261 Laser labels, or on any laser label stock with label size 1"X 4", 2 labels across, and 10 labels down.

Long item descriptions are truncated on printed labels.

To print par cart labels:

  1. From the Materials Management main Contents, select Warehousing > Par Carts (All Locations). The list of par carts appears.
  2. Locate the par cart for which you wish to print labels.
  3. Select Menu > Print Par Cart Labels (Figure 2)

Figure 2 - Par Carts List with Print Labels Selected from the Drop Menu

The system sends you a message that the labels are being printed, and that you can access them from Reports > My Archived Reports.
Note: Par cart labels are printed in order of par cart shelf location.

  1. From the Materials Management main Contents, select Reports > My Archived Reports.
    The system displays a list of the reports it has just run. Your Par Cart Labels report will be at or near the top, if you just ran it.
  2. Locate your report on the list.
  3. Click View Report.
    The labels are displayed in Adobe Acrobat Reader. (Figure 3 is an example.)

Figure 3 - Sample Printed Barcode Labels for Par Cart Items

  1. To print the labels, click File > Print.
    See the discussion of printer settings.

Print Shelf Labels

Label sheet specifications

Warehouse shelf labels print on Avery 5261 Laser labels, or on any laser label stock with label size 1"X 4", 2 labels across, and 10 labels down.

Note: Labels for inactive items are not printed. Long item descriptions are truncated on printed labels.

To print shelf labels:

  1. From the Materials Management main Contents, select Tables > Asset Locations.
    The list of asset locations appears.
  2. Locate the asset location for which you wish to print warehouse labels.
  1. From the Materials main Contents, select Reports > My Archived Reports.
  2. The system displays a list of the reports it has just run. Your Warehouse Shelf Labels report will be at or near the top, if you just ran it.
  3. Locate your report on the list.
  4. Click View Report.
    The labels are displayed in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  5. To print the labels, click File > Print.
    See the discussion of printer settings.

To print Order Guide item barcode labels:

  1. From the Materials Management main Contents, select Warehousing > Order Guides - All Locations
    or Requisitioning > Order Guides for Requisitioning.
    The list of order guides appears.
  2. Locate the order guide of interest.
  3. Select Menu > Print Order Guide Labels.