Using an Account Code Mask Version

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Account masks are a way to specify one or more account codes, or a range of account codes in "shorthand" form, without keying in every code. The "syntax", or actual shorthand, for specifying account masks is below. 

Also see Create Financial Reports and Financial Reports - Advanced Topics.

Data Profile Security for the Financial Report Writer, ProSheet, and Account Inquiry

Data Profile settings for allowed organizations and departments control the account data that you can access using the application's account inquiry, the Financial Report Writer, and ProSheet’s account retrieval and downloading functions.

For ProSheet users, this security feature affects data and calculations for any version of ProSheet currently installed on your system, as well as on new versions.

You need to be aware of the following:
The organizations/departments for which you currently retrieve account data using the account inquiry, the Financial Report Writer, or ProSheet must all be included in  your Data Profile. If you have specified organizations/departments on a financial report or inquiry, and those departments/organizations are not included in your Data Profile…
- The downloaded data will be different than previously.
- The results of any calculations on will be different.

This security also applies to account masks, and to account templates called in to ProSheet or used with the financial report writer.  Accounts covered by a mask are not available if the organizations/departments “wildcarded” in the mask are not in your Data Profile.

Make sure that your Data Profile contains the organizations/departments whose data you need to work with. If you need to have organizations/departments added to your Data Profile, contact your site’s System Administrator. For questions or problems, the  Solutions center is available at 877.633.4911

There are two ways to enter the segment information

  1. Literal (full account segment):  Enter any value that represents an actual or full segment of your account structure.

    e.g.  A literal value would be:  001
  2. Wildcard:  By replacing any position of a literal value with a "?"  the result will include all matching accounts regardless of the value in the position where the question mark appears.

    e.g.  A wildcard value would be:  00?    or    ??9

Entering multiple account segments within a single mask

There are two ways in which you may specify more than one piece of segment information.

  1. Range:  When entering a range simply use 2 literal account segments separated by a ":" (colon)
  2. e.g. A range would be entered as:  001:055
  3. List:  You may also specify more than one account segments by separating literal and wildcard values by a comma.
    e.g. A list of values would appear as:   001,020,055

Excluding or Omitting values with the NOT syntax

In order to omit one or more account segments you may precede any of the above methods with the "!" symbol.  This symbol tells the selection process to omit all accounts that match the values entered.

This method may be used with literal, wildcards and ranges.  This symbol may be used along with other literals and ranges in a list that do not have this symbol.

e.g.  This is a valid uses of the NOT symbol mixed within a list:  


Here are some account numbers in a fictional chart of accounts:

001 222 333 1000
001 222 333 1100
001 222 333 1200
001 222 333 1245
001 222 333 2000
001 222 333 2100
001 222 333 2200
001 222 333 2245

- You might wish to create a row that shows a sum of dollars across all "001" accounts that have "1000" through "1245"
in the fourth segment. On the Account Selection tab in the Mask fields, you would enter each of the four segments as:
001 222 333 1???

where ? means "any value." "1???" identifies all the accounts whose fourth segment begins with "1."

- If you want a summary of all "001" and "222" accounts, you would enter "001" in the first Mask field and "222" in the next Mask field,
leaving the bottom two Mask fields empty.

- For a summary of all "001" accounts, except for account 001 222 333 2200, you could use the "not" operator: !
You would enter "001" in the first Mask field and leave the middle two Mask fields empty. Then, you would enter "!2200" in the last Mask field.

Date Values for Multiple Organizations Selected with a Mask

You can use wildcards in a mask to have the application select multiple organizations for a report. For example, 00?-1234-5678 would select organizations 001, 002, 003, and any others in that pattern. When a medical center's organizations use different calendars, and you use a mask to specify the organization account segment, the period beginning/ending date values are always for the first organization that the application retrieves.