Delete an Item Version


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From time to time, you may have the need to delete items from the item catalog. Supply Chain allows you to delete items, but several conditions apply. You may not delete an item if the item has on-hand quantity, backordered quantity, transfer quantity, purchase order quantity, or requisition quantity.

When you delete an item from the item catalog or from an item inventory, Supply Chain warns you if the item is listed on any par carts or order guides, and asks you to confirm the deletion. If you decide to delete the item, it is removed from any par carts or order guides that contain it.

Also, an item vendor and item vendor UOM record cannot be deleted if purchase orders for the item exist and have the Status Unmatched, Part-Matched, Exception, or In-Process.

Important: You can reinstate items that you have deleted. A discussion of how to reinstate items is in Reinstate Deleted Items.


To delete an item:

  1. From the main Contents, select Inventory > Item Catalog.
    The Item Catalog list appears.

  2. Locate the item that you want to delete.

  3. Next to the item, click Menu > Delete.
    A message appears asking if you are sure that you want to delete the item.

  4. Click Submit if you are sure. Otherwise, click Cancel